Empowering Women's Health: Strategies to Lower the Risk of Cervical Cancer
Empowering Women's Health: Strategies to Lower the Risk of Cervical Cancer
From vaccinations and screenings to lifestyle choices, early detection, and understanding red flags, women can actively participate in preserving their health and well-being

Cervical cancer remains a significant health concern for women worldwide, particularly in Asian countries where human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is prevalent. We delve into the insights provided by two eminent doctors, Dr. Mamatha Shriyan, Consultant in Gynaecology, SRV Hospitals, Goregaon, and Dr. Pritam Kataria, Consultant, Medical Oncology, Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Hospital, regarding preventive measures and early detection strategies for cervical cancer.

Prevention through Vaccination and Screenings:

Dr. Shriyan emphasizes that prevention is key when it comes to cervical cancer. The most effective preventive measure is the HPV vaccine, recommended for women between the ages of 9 to 26. This vaccine protects against the main HPV strains responsible for cervical cancer. Routine screenings, such as pap smears or HPV tests, play a crucial role in early detection, identifying abnormal cell changes and precancerous cells. Pap smears are recommended every 3 years starting at the age of 21 until 65.

  1. Safe Sexual Practices:Promoting safe sexual practices is another essential aspect highlighted by Dr. Shriyan. Consistent condom use can reduce the risk of HPV transmission, even for those with a single sexual partner. Remaining monogamous further reduces the risk of contracting the HPV virus.
  2. Lifestyle Choices and Smoking:Dr. Shriyan underscores that lifestyle choices play a role in cervical cancer risk. Smoking, in particular, is a significant risk factor as the toxins in tobacco smoke weaken the immune system and damage cellular DNA. Quitting smoking significantly decreases the chances of developing cervical cancer and enhances overall health.
  3. Healthy Lifestyle for Lowering Risk:Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a shared sentiment between both doctors. A balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, regular exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight contribute to lowering the risk of cervical cancer. These lifestyle choices support overall well-being and bolster the body’s natural defenses.
  4. Early Detection through Pap Smear Testing:Dr. Kataria sheds light on the prevalence of cervical cancer in both rural and urban populations. He emphasizes the ease of screening through pap smear testing, which allows for the early diagnosis of cervical cancer. Early screenings aid in diagnosing the cancer at an earlier age, increasing the chances of successful treatment.
  5. Vaccination as a Preventive Measure:Dr. Kataria discusses the significance of vaccination in preventing cervical cancer. He notes that vaccinating children between the ages of 9 to 22, before sexual activity begins, can prevent HPV infection—the most common cause of cervical cancer in Asian countries. Vaccines like Glydacin and Sarvalin are available for carcinoma suffix prevention and can be administered by gynecologists.

Cervical Cancer Burden in India

Dr. Kataria highlights the burden of cervical cancer in India, citing data from 2020. Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among females in India, with approximately 1,23,000 cases diagnosed annually, constituting 18% of the total cancer burden in females.

Symptoms and Red Flags:

Both doctors provide insight into symptoms and red flags. Dr. Kataria mentions post-menopausal females experiencing pervo-genital bleed, vitreous discharge with blood, or excessive bleeding during menstruation should promptly consult a gynecologist for further investigation, including a biopsy.

In conclusion, the collaborative insights from Dr. Mamatha Shriyan and Dr. Pritam Kataria underscore the importance of a multifaceted approach to cervical cancer prevention. From vaccinations and screenings to lifestyle choices, early detection, and understanding red flags, women can actively participate in preserving their health and well-being. As we navigate the landscape of women’s health, these strategies serve as a beacon of empowerment against the prevalence of cervical cancer.

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